Eurozone Translations
A long time ago, I stumbled across a website that expressed my exact translation philosophy and attitude towards customers of language service providers. I copied and pasted the few pages of text to a Word file for keeps. Once I restarted my blog, I decided to check that website. It still existed as of early 2021. I contacted the e-mail address on the site and asked if the current website owner also produced the content I had originally found so delightful. It turned out that he did, and he had reasons for taking down the pages. Since I found that to be such a shame, I asked for permission to repost them here. I have respectfully not included one of the pages, which was about the translation industry in India. The sentiments about non-native speakers producing translations of poor quality using children and/or working conditions akin to slave labor were not the original author’s personal experience at a later time. So, I will reduce the message of that page with a personal anecdote of ...